Catron Wallace | Painting

Catron Wallace | Painting

Mud Puddle Pottery Harpeth Art Center

Catron Wallace | Painting

From her humble beginnings as an avid sketch artist and doodler curled up next to her father as he poured over his plans for his air conditioning business, Catron has spent the more than twenty years as a painter, answering her inner call to create beauty and introspection that will eventually end up both inside and outside of homes and offices.  She is an abstract artist working on a base of acrylic layered with other mixed media. She strives to create a piece that invokes the viewer to see something different every time they walk past it. 

Entirely self-taught, Catron paints with acrylics, watercolors, coffee grounds, sand, and graphite: basically, anything she can get her hands on to bring her optimistic and energetic personality onto the canvas.  She uses brushes, her hands, cardboard, spatulas, forks, and spoons to create the layered effect that is signature to her work. She gains inspiration by allowing herself to become deeply attuned to the natural world.

In 2016, Catron made the leap from Brandon, MS to Nashville, TN. She is affiliated with Studio 208 as part of the Nashville Art Crawl.

Catron’s work can be found in the homes and offices of many private collectors, businesses and showcase homes, as well as several gallery representations. Her art can also be found in the following places:

AT&T Building Nashville Abstract Women of Art Wall

Turquoise Condo in Orange Beach

Butler and Snow Law Firm in Mississippi

Shapley’s Restaurant, Ridgeland MS 

505 Building, Nashville TN

Studio Bank, Nashville TN

Catron was a featured artist in Legends Magazine in 2013 in her home state of Mississippi, as well as featured in HGTV’s Hometown in 2019 and will again be featured in HGTV’s Hometown in 2022. In January 2020 Catron was honored by Nashville Lifestyle magazine to be the featured artist. Nashville Lifestyle also crowned Catron as its Art Creator of the Year award for 2020. In March of 2020 she was interviewed at WKNO 91.1 for art talk in Memphis TN.